Earth Imagine Create

  • South Africa
  • Farm house
  • Nature lodge
  • Entire place
  • Wifi

Earth.Imagine.Create. Nature-based Residential Retreat & Youth Training Initiative

WHAT is this 28-day “earth.imagine.create” experience about?

This is an intensive experiential course that integrates body, mind and soul – will-forces, intellect and imagination, if you will – powerfully and effectively to a next-level: evolutionary transformation.

We are offering people a unique opportunity to access their deeper mind in a repeated and sustained way, uninterrupted by daily distractions. They will be astonished what all lives there as potential, as power, as creative ability, the ability to manifest and invent, to develop qualities of resilience and even future faculties, which are mostly never uncovered, not even in a whole lifetime.

It’s a bit unusual to run such a lengthy course. Why 28 days? The way to develop connections is through process-work: small incremental encounters, repeated daily if possible. This cultivates new habits, and through repetition actually activates new neuro-pathways in our mind, and so can change our lives. It’s the opposite of a quick shopping experience, one might say.

And why have you chosen such a remote setting as the farm, instead of say a conference centre or other public venue in the city, which is more accessible to people?

In CPT or any large city the environment is clogged – one could almost say polluted – with electromagnetics: cellphones, wi-fi, 3G and now even 5G vibratory frequencies, the density of population, noise, traffic, crime and so on. It’s very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to foster growth in such a hostile or invasive environment. A natural setting is vibrationally supportive and provides the optimal environment to foster our human growth, as well as other organic life. Pixels know how to lie, inherently; they are just as able to conceal the truth; create fake news for example, as they are able to communicate vast amounts of information. A forest is like a giant truth, made out of love. That’s why people automatically feel good when they get to nature or inside a forest, because it feeds and nourishes them inwardly. They just sense this healing ability that lives in Nature.

The digital world is becoming ever more invasive of our privacy. This overbearing sensory onslaught actually amounts to a near-fatal intrusion of our inwardness. Everything that we are as a Self comes from this inwardness: our ability to reflect, to think, to feel, and so also to imagine. That’s where we develop our sense of will, our sense of freedom and of autonomy, our sense of purpose also.

Why are you combining so many modalities in your experience?

We specifically aim to incorporate all the senses combined. The senses are what allow us access to the deeper levels of our mind, to the extent even of cellular re-programming, and also the development of our Souls. Today our senses mostly get deadened by how we live, where we live, what we eat. Our lifestyles are becoming more and more toxic and artificial. Lifestyle seems to be a by-product of our current mentality. The departure from daily contact with nature and from animals deadens you: first your senses, then it deadens your beliefs, and ultimately leads to people becoming depressed, diseased and even dehumanised. In this experience we try to present possible actions to counteract and even create solutions to these tendencies at the individual level.

We start from the ground up, working every day from our feet up to our head. So, every day working a little with the soil will start an awareness of our living relationship to the earth. Then, working day-to-day with plants will connect us more fundamentally with nature, with our relationship to our food, where it comes from, how it is nurtured and grown, and so we are busy re-kindling vital connections again.

The imagination is basically the ability to make multiple connections. It sends out threads between objects, which may by themselves have nothing to do with each other, for example a bottle of iodine and a chandelier. Imagine how these two completely disparate objects could be connected. Just make it up. This is where real connectivity takes place, and it is very fertile ground for the inner life. Conversation fills the space between people and connects their separateness. Imagination populates the spaces between, and makes them come alive. And so the world takes on quite different meanings when the imagination is activated. Everything becomes truly enlivened, you might say.

Why are you placing such emphasis on the imagination?

It is a crucial component in our human make-up and it’s very under-rated. Imagination is very closely connected to the power of the mind. Everything that was ever manifested began as a new thought in someone’s imagination. Thoughts are real forces, and imagination is the way these thoughts become powered, and then become manifested as fact-in-the-world. You need to be relaxed to imagine something. Relaxation is significant, actually necessary to slow the vibration rate of the mind, the frequency, down to delta and even theta levels. Day-dreaming, for example, is when you can go and fetch new thoughts, imagine new ideas. You just can’t have those thoughts when you are stressed out and distracted by the million little things and duties in your life. Also, imagination is part of our very own inwardness, our uniqueness as a human being. It’s most important to keep this part private, unpolluted and not up for public scrutiny.

Who are you targeting for this experience?

We are aiming this adventure at young people who feel ready, and who may not yet have started their further studies. Other souls who display a readiness to grow are also welcome. We feel that all who come will benefit exponentially from making massive new discoveries about themselves, at an accelerated expansion and transformation of their levels of awareness and Soul growth.

What outcomes do you expect from participating in this experience?

We hope to see people learning how to put their existing perspectives aside long enough to be able to broaden their vantage point with new thoughts, an extended imagination, the invention of new worlds, even, and making contact with their unlimited potential as human beings.

We believe in the evolutionary potential of all individuals powered by limitless imagination.

Our eco farm and spiritual retreat is nestled in the heart of the Overberg between Stanford and Napier. We create, co-create, host and facilitate conscious living programmes, transformational retreats, art workshops, leadership seminars, sustainable living initiatives & family celebrations.

Surrounded by trees and mountains, the farm is a magical and inspirational sanctuary, a sacred space for meditation, reflection, healing, transformation and rest. Participants experience and develop a sense of their “Extended Selves” and our evolving human potential.

The main hall can seat up to 120, and is supported by ample individually tailored en-suite bedrooms, with lovely patios and balcony views of our mountain Klein Tafelberg. Drinking water is supplied directly via gravity-feed from a nearby mountain spring. Wifi is available.

We are targeting potential young leaders, to equip them with the hard and soft skills needed to make a real difference in our fast-changing world. Each intensive 28-day cycle can only accommodate 20 young persons.

Our facilitators have extensive training and experience in applied creativity in several fields. They bring a wealth of knowledge and diversity to the table, to provide all-round stability and inspiration to this singular event.

  • English is the primary language
  • Single bed

  • Small double bed

  • Double bed

The Ahimsa Way

  • ✓  100% Vegetarian
  • Barn

  • Extra blankets

  • Outdoor furniture

  • Patio

  • Vegetable garden


All food is organic and mostly grown, produced on site. It is vegetarian and there are vegan options.

About the kitchen
Despite a main kitchen and dinning area for all guests to eat breakfast, lunch and supper together. There are also self catering kitchens in various breakaway accommodation units simultaneously.

  • ✓  100% Organic
  • ✓  Locally grown produce
  • ✓  Macrobiotic options
  • Blender

  • Cooking basics

  • Stove

  • Toaster


Please download the course material from the 'Earth, Imagine, Create' website: and have a look at

To add to this are various studio opportunities for art production, hiking, permaculture etc. The space is expansive and opportunities are limitless and exciting.


  • First aid kit

  • Lights outside


Founder of Hearth & Soul Eco Farm & Spiritual Retreat

Owner, Developer & Vision-keeper. Sybille studied in Germany, Switzerland, Hamburg, Wits Business School and completed a Masters in Fine Arts. A prize-winning artist with numerous public commissions including Joburg Zoo, with 15 years of teaching experience in various universities and workshops in the field. A maverick teacher with a high success rate in various creative fields including art and manifestation. She has walked her talk to the very ends of the earth. Has met and studied with tribal elders in the Australian outback, the Lacondon Indians in southern Mexico and travelled over the Himalayas, studied under Ramtha, Akong Rimpoche, Tibetan master… Academy of Future Science… founded by JJ Hurtak. All her experiences have culminated in developing Hearth & Soul as a unique and powerful spiritual centre.


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SYBILLE NAGEL Founder of Hearth & Soul Eco Farm & Spiritual Retreat Owner, Developer &…

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